Non-linear power consumption and decentralized power generation creates more and more disturbances into the grid. With this short blog we would like to introduce how easy it is to setup a measurement – but of course, less easy will be the problem solving. But there must be starting point somewhere.
Tag Archive for: Supraharmonics
This paper discusses different approaches to investigate the interaction through harmonics, interharmonics, supraharmonics, and light flicker, between photovoltaic (PV) inverters and LED lamps in low-voltage installations. Single grid connected power generators and electronic loads like LED lamps can be easily characterized in terms of harmonics in a given range of frequency. This subject is relatively well understood, and specific standards for measuring and restricting emissions are already established to ensure a low probability of interference. However, when connected together, source and load exhibit behavior that requires further study and understanding. This work presents a discussion serving as a guide for future work on analysis of losses and other impacts of the disturbances regarding this specific load and source interaction. The following are taken into account: the nonlinearity of LED loads and PV converters; the technologies and methods used in control; and the changes in power flow caused by load and power production variations. Index Terms – electric power systems, power quality, harmonics, supraharmonics, solar power.
From PQTBlog
Published by:
- Tatiano Busatto, Fahim Abid, Anders Larsson and Math H. J. Bollen, Electric Power Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå 931 87, Sweden, @mail:
- Gaurav Singh, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 29634, USA, @mail:
Conference Paper: 16-19 Oct. 2016, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Published in 2016 17th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP)
With the constant development, the inclusion of new energy sources and consumption devices becoming increasingly complex, a broader understanding is required of the interaction between these elements and the electrical system. In this context, the use of distributed energy Read more