New Release: SmartCollect® SC²

SmartCollect® SC² is a scalable HMI/SCADA software. Unlike the usual less visually appealing SCADA software systems, SmartCollect®SC² is built on an ultra-modern platform with a web-based 2D/3D graphical user interface. In addition to the high user-friendliness of SmartCollectt®SC², the system offers powerful communication and software interfaces as well as flexible expansion options.

The software is currently available in 4 editions:

  • Starter Edition
  • Standard Edition
  • Professional Edition
  • Enterprise Edition

In addition, the software can be equipped with a modern Energy Monitoring System (EMS) as a plug-in.

Key Features of Software:

  • Interactive single line diagrams
  • Functional dashboards
  • Secure web based design
  • Event and warning messages
  • Flexible data communications
  • Integration of devices from different manufacturers
  • Interactive 2D/3D views
  • EMS: Energy Monitoring System (Dashboard & Reporting)
  • Sophisticated zoom functions
  • Custom WebGUI integrations




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